New FREE REPORT: Funder Plus & Additional Support

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New FREE REPORT: Funder Plus & Additional Support

We're proud to be releasing a new resource this week which explores the perceptions of 'Funder Plus' support given to grantees and declined applicants of three funders.

This week we're thrilled to release our newest report, titled FUNDER PLUS & ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. 

Over the past few years, we have had more and more conversations with funders looking to understand the impact and limitations of ‘Funder Plus’ support and whether offering this type of additional support should be a consideration for their organisation. ‘Funder plus’, also known as ‘grants plus’ or ‘funding plus’, is generally thought of as support from funders in addition to the grant or grant-making process. This support can encompass organisational development, operational advice, networking opportunities, and other forms of assistance designed to help grantees achieve their goals more efficiently and sustainably.

This report examines the perspectives of grantees and declined applicants on the concept of ‘Funder Plus’. The findings are based on three surveys conducted among grantees and declined applicants of AB Charitable Trust, Henry Smith Charity and John Ellerman Foundation. Feedback from these grantees and applicants has provided valuable insight into how these additional supports are perceived. By analysing their experiences and opinions, we aim to contribute to discussions about how Funder Plus offers can be optimised to better serve the needs of the non-profit sector and offer food-for-thought for funders considering developing this type of support.

Download it free below!

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