nfpPublic Ireland
If your charity is active in Ireland or wants to start making an impact there, nfpPublic Ireland is the product that can help you to meet your goals.
Based on results from a nationally representative, biannual public survey, this monitor helps you to keep an eye on the key indicators that will determine the success of your organisation. Do people mention your charity spontaneously? Are they aware of your campaigns? These are just some of the questions that this research can help you find the answers to.
At nfpResearch, we recognise the benefits of carrying out research in multiple markets. Although based in London, our Co-Managing Director Cian Murphy is based in Belfast and we hold bi-annual, sector-wide meetings for clients in Dublin, where we share the benefits of our extensive network. We believe that this double perspective makes us stronger, enabling us to analyse both the affinities and differences between the Irish and British markets.
To access this expertise, contact us or download a briefing pack to find out more.