nfpPublic UK

A sunny day on a street in the UK

nfpPublic UK


nfpPublic UK is nfpResearch’s most popular product. A sector-wide tracker, it provides an essential tool for any charity hoping to build a better picture of its audience. 

Based on results from a nationally representative, monthly public survey, this research helps you to keep an eye on the key indicators that will determine the success of your organisation. Do people mention your charity spontaneously? Are they aware of your campaigns? These are just some of the questions that we can help you find the answers to.

nfpPublic is cost-effective, since it pools insights from across the sector, but also comprehensive. It allows you to benchmark your performance against more than 100 other charities, and to develop a rich and detailed understanding of how the sector might be changing. 

What’s more, analysis time is built into your subscription, so the nfpResearch team will be on hand to help you delve through the data and develop strategies based on robust and dynamic evidence.

With different price points available to different organisations, this research offers a great starting point for a charity of any size, with any budget, at any point on its journey.

For more information, please download our detailed briefing pack or click here to get in touch directly.


nfpPublic UK