With all the technology we have at our disposal, what place does the humble, traditional press release have in the modern world?
Well, according to journalists, a pretty fundamental one. This may seem surprising, particularly given the movement of media content to online platforms, but of the 163 who contributed to our Journalists’ Attitudes and Awareness Monitor, 59% said they preferred the traditional press release. All of them have covered a charity story in the last six months.
In addition, just over a fifth (22%) of them said they preferred to receive campaign videos, interview clips or other interactive content as press releases, while 9% said they were happy to receive both.
So why do journalists continue to prefer their beloved traditional press release and what has prompted some to switch their preference to ‘rich media’? And what’s the best way to get journalists to cover your content?
Why would you not want rich media?
Time, or lack of it, is the main reason journalists prefer press releases. As one BBC journalist commented in the survey:
“[I] haven't got time to watch videos. A waste of effort as 9/10 press releases don't get read beyond the first line.”
Another journalist wrote:
“I just need basic information to pitch to the news desk.”
Journalists are open to rich media and they’re happy to know it’s there if needed:
“Don't have time to listen to lots of video/audio press releases and more likely to ignore - traditional press release can be scanned quickly and if interested will request more information and interviews.” Scottish Sunday newspaper
Journalists use their time as efficiently as possible and rich media can be a time-thief. As one freelancer said:
“I like reading fast. Watching videos takes longer.”
Press releases are also more practical when you’re on the move:
“Easy to read on mobile and underground when out and about. Easy to find contact details and see key points without having to watch a whole clip.”
The third major reason journalists gave was their frustration at anything that clogs up their inboxes. With some journalists citing ‘unread email’ figures of over 8,000 (does that sound familiar?), you can understand this plea from a regional journalist:
“Don't ever send an email bigger than 5MB! Better to send a basic press release but make it clear pictures and video are available.”
So what about the rich media converts?
Producing engaging content that’s both online-ready and appealing to different audiences is at the heart of why 22% of journalists prefer rich media. As one freelancer summarised:
“Easier to understand and to package into powerful stories.”
A journalist from a daily national newspaper recognises the convenience of rich media to their online work, stating:
“[it] helps me put together a package for the website which I now have to provide material for as well as the paper”.
For some, even though they prefer rich media, they are wary of the consequences:
“I'm increasingly trying to make news stories look as visually interesting as possible, with infographics and a range of relevant images. We are also experimenting with video. So, yes, where relevant [I] would be interested in audio/video snippets to add to stories. However, they take time to sort out, so I wouldn't want to be deluged - targeted and relevant would be great, though.” Journalist from a health magazine
So what can you take away from this to give your story the best chance?
Journalists are time-poor. They have inboxes that are hitting their limits. The following steps should give you the best chance of achieving coverage, either with or without rich media.
1. Be concise and target the right journalists. Demonstrate that you are aware of the plight of the time-poor journalist by producing short, snappy press releases with informative titles and which are relevant to them and their employers
2. Make journalists aware you have rich media content that is available upon request. Although it feels counter-intuitive to invest resources in content you only allude to, if your press release is of interest to a journalist, they will contact you.
3. Be ready to react. Journalists become very frustrated with unresponsive charity media teams. Journalists will call you if they are interested in your story and want your rich media content. When they do, be ready.