Facts and Figures: Welsh charity sector
We continue a series of essential facts and figures on particular regions and audience in the nonprofit sector. This short report presents an overview of the third sector in Wales, the Welsh population, and their levels of trust and the views of Wales based and Welsh-serving charities.
Some key facts are:
- Wales has a larger aging population than the other UK nations, with a quarter (24%) of the population over the age of 60, compared to only 18% in 1961. This is expected to grow even further to 32% by 2030.
- 59% of the Welsh public trust charities compared to 15% of the Welsh population that do not.
- In 2016 the third sector in Wales had a total income of £2 billion, of which 21% of this was from public giving[1].
Over a third of the public in Wales would prefer their charity donation to be spent in Wales.
Download the full report for more information or take a look at our work with Welsh charity sector.
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