Public and MP attitudes toward charity lottery regulators
We're pleased to release our latest findings on the public and MPs attitudes towards charity lottery regulation from Autumn 2018.
Key findings of the report are:
- Both the public and MPs are against laws and regulation which stop competition between charity lotteries and the national lottery (66%), or that prevent charity lotteries raising as much as the national lottery (64% for MPs and 62% for the public)
- The public are against capping the number of tickets sold for the National Lottery (59% against capping and 21% in favour) and charity lotteries (62% against and 16% in favour)
- Public opinion on capping the size of the prizes is more evenly balanced with 35% in favour of a cap on National Lottery prizes and 25% in favour of a cap on charity lottery prizes
- MPs are less in favour of capping prize-size with 22% for charity lottery and 25% for the National Lottery
- There has been little change in public attitudes since we last ran the research in 2015
- Labour MPs are less likely to be against restricting competition compared to Conservative MPs; 75% of Conservative MPs are against laws and regulation which stop competition while 56% of Labour are against it
You can find out more about our charity parliamentary research and our research with the general public by clicking the link or emailing us at insight@nfpsynergy.net. Feel free to share your thoughts on this research in the comments section below too.
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