nfpPolitics for Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland

A stately white building with a rolling green lawn in front of it

nfpPolitics for Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland


nfpPolitics Westminster helps organisations to evaluate their relationship with MPs – but political decision-making does not stop there.

Britain is a country with not one but four seats of government, and by subscribing to our three regional nfpPolitics packages you can gain invaluable insight into how your charity is perceived in Stormont, Holyrood and the Senedd.

Campaigning across the UK is often an impactful way to make headway in the political sphere. Our research shows that, for instance, the funding environment for charities is more favourable in the devolved administrations than it is in Westminster. By understanding which nations to direct your resources to, you can generate significant revenue and influence important politicians with locally-targeted campaigns.

With guaranteed responses from 40 MSPs, 33 MLAs and 30 MSs respectively, nfpPolitics will help to break your organisation's public affairs out of the Westminster bubble.

To find out more, just get in touch directly with our dedicated project lead, or download one of the regional briefing packs below.

Briefing Pack DownloadS