Virtual Promise 2006 - Full Results
Results from our 2006 annual survey of how charities are using the internet. The most recent edition is 2008.
Results from our 2006 annual survey of how charities are using the internet. The most recent edition is 2008.
Results from our 2007 annual survey of how charities are using the internet. The most recent edition is 2008.
Charities have been waiting 10 years for the internet to revolutionise their fundraising. It's finally happening, in unexpected ways. Our new report looks at the most effective (and ineffective ways) to fundraise using the internet, using case studies from successful charities and data from our Virtual Promise reports.
Charities have been waiting 10 years for the internet to revolutionise their fundraising. It's finally happening, in unexpected ways. Our new report looks at the most effective (and ineffective ways) to fundraise using the internet, using case studies from successful charities and data from our Virtual Promise reports.
Not for profit think-tank nfpSynergy has teamed up with The ImpACT Coalition to produce a free, short, practical report and guide that will empower charities to formulate and communicate simple messages, including pithy pub facts, needed to dispel a range of debilitating misperceptions their stakeholders may have, both about themselves and the wider third sector.
nfpSynergy researched and wrote a report with Horwath Consulting called 'Virtual Promise - Are charities keeping up with the Internet revolution?' It was published as a special supplement for Third Sector magazine and was sent out in February 2001. The report is the most comprehensive study yet published in the UK, on the ways in which not for profit organisations are using the Internet.