MPs advise charities on high-impact, cost-effective lobbying
Build rapport with priority MPs and mobilise public to lobby them locally, parliamentarians tell cash-conscious charities
Build rapport with priority MPs and mobilise public to lobby them locally, parliamentarians tell cash-conscious charities
58% of Councillors and 50% of Local Authority staff think “charities are able to deliver public services as cost-effectively as local authorities”, respective figures rising to 63% and 59% when comparing charita
Three quarters (76%) of all MPs agree agree that “in general, charities are more effective at campaigning amongst MPs than companies”; a quarter (24%) agreeing “strongly” - according to figures out today (see attached summary slide
Charities whose voluntary funding has given them significant financial independence from gover
Not for profit think-tank nfpSynergy has teamed up with The ImpACT Coalition to produce a free, short, practical report and guide that will empower charities to formulate and communicate simple messages, including pithy pub facts, needed to dispel a range of debilitating misperceptions their stakeholders may have, both about themselves and the wider third sector.
nfpSynergy has a wealth of back-data regarding MPs' opinions of charities and their campaigns, comments from those who work in this area and experience of the sector. This has enabled us to compile a report containing ten tips, which extract the most salient issues to emerge from our research, to help you in your future charity campaigns and lobbying.