Small Charity Research Award Winner 2023: Hamlin Fistula

Hamlin Fistula ward

Small Charity Research Award Winner 2023: Hamlin Fistula

One of the three recipients of our Small Charity Research Award 2023 was Hamlin Fistula who wanted to better understand and grow their audiences. Here, we're sharing details of the project and how we helped them achieve their goals.

Hamlin Fistula UK is on a mission to increase their fundraising efforts to support more women in Ethiopia who are suffering from the devastating effects of obstetric fistula and other preventable childbirth injuries. To help achieve this goal, the charity successfully applied for the nfpResearch Small Charity Research Award, which offers organizations with an income under £1 million the opportunity to receive a comprehensive £10,000 research project at no cost.

The project, carried out by our team at nfpResearch, was centred around gaining a deeper understanding of both current and potential audiences for Hamlin Fistula UK. With the charity’s aspirations in mind, the research aimed to explore several key areas. First, it sought to determine how Hamlin Fistula UK could better communicate its mission and activities to raise awareness and attract support among its target audiences. Additionally, the project aimed to investigate how these audiences responded to the charity’s key messages and tone of voice. Finally, the research looked into the perceptions surrounding the charity’s name and whether alternative names might garner more interest and support for their vital work.

To accomplish these objectives, nfpResearch conducted 20 interviews with Hamlin Fistula UK’s current supporters, as well as three specific segments identified as potential audiences. These segments included mindful donors who regularly contribute to small overseas aid and development charities, empathetic women who have personally experienced childbirth injuries, and medical professionals such as midwives and obstetricians.

The interviews were thoughtfully designed to gauge awareness of the condition and the charity’s mission. Respondents were presented with statements and case studies that illustrated the charity’s work, along with various terms and name options for the organization. This qualitative approach allowed nfpResearch to gather nuanced insights, which were then compiled into a detailed report presented to Hamlin Fistula UK, including their board of trustees.

We were absolutely delighted to be chosen to benefit from the nfpResearch Small Charity Research Award. The research nfpResearch conducted for us has been invaluable. They carried out a range of in depth interviews with some of our existing supporters and with people representing new audiences for us. They then provided us with a really thorough report detailing their findings and summarising them in an easy to understand way. They were really great to work with!

Since receiving the report from nfpResearch we have put the findings to good use. We have used them to inform our marketing strategy and we have been able to adapt and develop our messaging to suit our different audiences. We also used them as a starting point to help us develop a brand and style guide, something that as a small charity we didn’t previously have. As a cause that people are unfamiliar with and find it hard to understand it has been very helpful to have the insights the research provided. As a result our communications are clearer and more easily accessible and this is having a positive impact on awareness of the charity and our work. Thank you nfpResearch!

The research yielded important insights that could guide Hamlin Fistula UK in its future initiatives. Limited awareness of the condition was preventing more interest and support in the charity and its work. But, when interviewees were introduced in more detail to the charity's mission and learned about the impacts of fistula, many expressed a newfound interest and willingness to support the cause. 

Furthermore, the interviews highlighted the effectiveness of case studies as a storytelling tool. Respondents found that emotive narratives were crucial in conveying the severity of fistula and the positive changes brought about by Hamlin Fistula UK’s efforts. Emphasizing that fistula is often a preventable condition, while also sharing the positive outcomes of the charity’s work, can help to resonate with potential supporters. However, it was also clear that messages need to be accurate and provide context to ensure they are fully understood.

Overall, the insights gained from this project not only illuminate the path forward for Hamlin Fistula UK but also underscore the value of targeted market research for charities aiming to make a significant impact. By better understanding their audience, Hamlin Fistula UK can enhance its communication strategies and ultimately drive greater support for its mission.


We will be announcing the next wave of our Small Charity Research Award in the near future - keep an eye on our newsletter and social media to make sure you stay aware of how and when you can apply. 

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