Young People in Governance - November 2010

Submitted by artfulrobot on

Young people have much to contribute to the governance of charities and not-for-profits, whether they work specifically with children and young people. Young people can bring a fresh perspective and new energy to decision-making, as well as making boards more diverse and representative of the general public and – for some charities – their service users. However young people are currently very under-represented in charity governance.

The use of information in charities - with apologies to Hayek

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Is your organisation a planned economy?

The economist Paul Seabright once mentioned travelling through London with a Russian bureaucrat who asked him ‘tell me, who is in charge of the supply of bread to the population of London?’ It’s a dazzling question – and the answer is, of course, no-one. Who, after all, could possibly calculate the needs of the city, and plan the delivery of your daily bread from seed to toaster?

A bigger slice or less pie - why charities should invest to grow despite the recession

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The challenge

Quantitative easing, pay freezes, efficiency savings and paying down national debt are fancy ways of saying that there is not as much money as we once thought, and so all of us are going to have to make do with less. We may celebrate 2012 for the Olympics, but also the return of 2008’s levels of prosperity. This loss has already happened and the argument now taking place in public and in politics is how to share the pain out.

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