What can a CEO do to help increase awareness and build brands?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Chief Executives play a vital role in creating awareness – yet all too often they are bystanders in the awareness process. It is interesting that in the commercial sector most CEOs would see themselves as the guardians of their brand (of which awareness-building is the first step) yet in the charity sector most CEOs are at best neutral and often hostile to branding and, by inference, to awareness-building.

"Innovation rules!" A roadmap to creativity and innovation for not-for profit organisations

Submitted by artfulrobot on

Too few people have specifically addressed the voluntary sector's potential for innovation and the voluntary sector is often left feeling that the only time they can afford the luxury of innovation is when a funder specifically asks for it. It is our hope that this report will provide charities with a greater understanding about what innovation could do for them on a day-to-day basis. The report includes sections on issues such: innovation myths; innovation versus creativity; reducing the barriers to innovation and how innovation is linked to mission and vision.

HQ Imperialism or Regional Barons?

Submitted by artfulrobot on

This study represents a snapshot of how well charities' Regional-HQ relationships are functioning, according to charity employees. The aim of this study was to develop some hard data on this important issue - the first public study of its kind in the UK that we are aware of. The results highlight some worrying schisms and considerable room for improvement for many charities.

The power of dreams, the burden of leadership: Report on the Barclay's "Britiain 's Most Admired Charity" Survey- October 2008

Submitted by artfulrobot on

"The power of dreams, the burden of leadership" is a report disseminating the "Britain's Most Admired Charity" survey data. It concentrates on a number of important issues for any charity that wants to increase its effectiveness including: the key attributes of successful charities; skill and expertise shortages; government initiatives that have impacted (or not impacted) the sector; and the key challenges for effective charities and charity leaders.

Review and development of the Code of Good Governance

Submitted by artfulrobot on

The Code of Good Governance had been in existence for a number of years helping to improve the governance practices of organisations in the Voluntary and Community Sector. The Governance Hub asked us to review the impact of the Code, and to look at changes that might be needed to improve take up and usage. We held consultation events nationwide with large and small organisations, interviewed experts, wrote case studies, and summarised it all in this free report.

Getting the Message Across

Submitted by artfulrobot on

Not for profit think-tank nfpSynergy has teamed up with The ImpACT Coalition to produce a free, short, practical report and guide that will empower charities to formulate and communicate simple messages, including pithy pub facts, needed to dispel a range of debilitating misperceptions their stakeholders may have, both about themselves and the wider third sector.

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