Ideal Charity - measured and explained
The growing mistrust of charities in the media and among politicians calls into question how charities would like to be seen by their supporters or the wider public.
The growing mistrust of charities in the media and among politicians calls into question how charities would like to be seen by their supporters or the wider public.
There has been much soul-searching in the charity sector in recent weeks about how it is perceived by external audiences. Do the public, or even politicians and journalists, really understand how charities work today? Do they know that many charities these days are large, professionally run and impactful organisations? Or do they still just imagine an entirely voluntary operation run out of a church that "sticks to the knitting" in the memorable words of Brooks Newmark?
When someone mentions ‘pester power’, the first thing that springs to mind is likely to be children hassling their parents for junk food or the latest toy or smartphone. You probably won’t think first of the positive role which children and young people might have on the adults in their lives.
"I find your work really accessible, thanks for sharing so much of it for free and for making it easily understandable."
Lindsay Woodward, Fundraising Manager at Leicester & Leicestershire Animal Aid Association.
As it's the season of goodwill, we're giving away The 12 Insights of Christmas. They look at some of the key issues facing the charity sector and include research, interviews and advice from charities and from us. Unwrap our 12 free reports just in time for Christmas.
I'm a big fan of nfpSynergy. They provide the strongest opinion pieces in our sector.
Adrian Sargeant - Robert F. Hartsook Professor of Fundraising, Indiana University
Time for some negative thinking.