Reserves policy or closure plan?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Charity Commission recently released a revised Charity Reserves guidance.

It is entitled Charity Reserves – Building Resilience (Hereafter CC19), and, as the name suggests, it is reflective of the criticism that some charities have faced this past summer in terms of financial security.

There are a few important changes in the CC19 that deserve some attention and, I believe, some dispute.

12 Free Reports of Christmas 2015

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We would like to thank our clients and partners for inspiring us to keep researching the topical issues in the sector. As part of our Social Investment programme we regularly produce Free Reports and feed our finding back to the sector so any charity regardless its size or sector can find something useful. Here are the 12 popular reports this  year.

SlideZone - How can charities do better with journalists?

Submitted by artfulrobot on

The latest round of our Journalists’ Attitudes and Awareness Monitor research asked 150 reporters and broadcasters across the media about how well charities understand their needs when approaching them with stories.

Encouragingly, nearly three quarters felt that charities were ‘somewhat’ or ‘very’ understanding of their needs, while just 8% said they were not. 21% said charities did this 'neither well nor poorly’.

2 in 3 people say rebrands and London offices are a waste of charities’ money

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Two thirds of people think that charities spending money on rebranding or London offices are wasting donations, new research shows. The study, published by research consultancy nfpSynergy, reveals that people feel websites and advertising are a better use of vital funds, while half prefer it when charities are run by volunteers.

Public prefer charities to keep low cash reserves

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Just one in 17 people think charities should save more than a year’s expenditure for a rainy day, a new study shows. A third of people favour reserves of less than six months’ spending, while only one in ten agree it should be whatever a charity decides.

The poll of 1,000 people, out today, asked how much money charities should keep in case their income fell and just 6% said over a year’s worth of expenditure.

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