Ten reasons why Wales needs its own Charity Regulator
Joe Saxton is talking to WCVA’s conference gofod3 on March 21 in Cardiff, and the thrust of his talk is simple: It’s time to have a separate Welsh charity regulator.
Joe Saxton is talking to WCVA’s conference gofod3 on March 21 in Cardiff, and the thrust of his talk is simple: It’s time to have a separate Welsh charity regulator.
Mae Joe Saxton yn siarad yng nghynhadledd gofod3 Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru yng Nghaerdydd ar 21 Mawrth, ac mae prif neges ei sgwrs yn un syml: mae'n hen bryd i gael rheoleiddiwr elusennau yng Nghymru i Gymru.
Journalists are likely to scrutinise charity CEOs when given the opportunity because there is an appetite from the public to read about things like CEO pay; but our research shows that there is generally good faith towards charity CEOs amongst (some) journalists, and we're sharing tips on how your charity CEO and media team can play a part in owning and changing negative conversations.
Labour recently announced their intention to include a pilot version of Universal Basic Income in their next election manifesto. They are by no means alone in toying with this radical social policy. The idea has been championed by the Green Party and the SNP, as well as various pressure groups. With countries such as Finland, Spain and the Netherlands running pilot schemes, the implementation of Universal Basic Income is increasingly looking like a realistic possibility.
Saving money is as important as raising it. This blog gives useful tips on how charities can save with clever procurement.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now so part and parcel of the way most companies operate in the UK. Imagine if, similarly, every charity had a strategic goal to go beyond their core remit and support their community in some further way?
Most of the work we publish contains some data from either quantitative or qualitative research. Evidence for our assertions is typically a pre-requisite before we create ideas or recommendations about what we think is happening.
We are pleased to publish this analysis of different types of charities, based on their differing incomes and expenditures. Our archetype will allow charities, donors, and others to understand what the benchmark is for each type of charity, thus ensuring that judgements are made based on norms of income and expenditure for similar charities.
Joe Saxton addresses the uncertain future of UK individual giving in this new free report. Discover why Gift Aid is not as widely taken up as it might be, and reflect on what future solutions to this problem may look like.
The time has come again to reflect on the last 12 months and thank our clients and partners for inspiring us to keep researching topical issues in the sector with 12 free reports.