Less than half of public think charity CEOs should be paid
Fewer than one in two people agree with charities paying their chief executives, according to a new poll. The results also reveal that the public are still confused about who is actually paid in charities, with many thinking presidents, trustees and patrons draw a wage.
The Lobbying Act: A Waste of Time and Resources?
A Trusted Role: The challenges of creating an effective trustee board
Charities exist to do great work and a large part of that is having great trustees make the big decisions. But this is easier said than done, so what is the secret of success?
Joe Saxton draws on 25 years of experience in charities to advise how charities can pick great trustees, get the best out of them, get their board to make strategic choices and ensure that all the multiple roles are being played. It's an essential read for anyone in the sector.
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