The Lobbying Act: A Waste of Time and Resources?

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The Lobbying Act has been a source of controversy in the charity sector since its introduction in January 2014, but what has it actually changed? We have conducted 19 in-depth interviews on the subject with a range of sector professionals, which revealed widespread anxiety and confusion over what the new legislation means for charities and the future of the sector.

A Trusted Role: The challenges of creating an effective trustee board

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Charities exist to do great work and a large part of that is having great trustees make the big decisions. But this is easier said than done, so what is the secret of success?

Joe Saxton draws on 25 years of experience in charities to advise how charities can pick great trustees, get the best out of them, get their board to make strategic choices and ensure that all the multiple roles are being played. It's an essential read for anyone in the sector.

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