It's a Labour victory - but what do they think of your charity and cause?

Submitted by ben.roberts on

The public have spoken and it is time for change. Labour comes in with a huge majority and it is the worst result for the Conservatives on record. Smaller parties have done very well, with the Liberal Democrats not far behind the Conservatives as the official Opposition. The SNP, Greens and Reform all now have handful of MPs.

Labour MPs attitudes towards charities

Submitted by ben.roberts on

Heather Sturgess

The upcoming local elections in May are being treated as a bellwether for the general election. A big loss for the Conservatives will be seen as an indicator that Labour is poised to win the next general election. But after over a decade of a Conservative government, what do we know about Labour MPs and their attitudes towards charities? 


Labour MPs are positive about relations between parliament and the charity sector

Politics and the Charity Sector - We don't do politics, we give people a voice

Submitted by ben.roberts on

With a General Election imminent, the public's attitudes toward charities getting involved in politics have become more of a focus.  The Shelia McKechnie Foundation and nfpResearch wanted to understand how aware the public is of the political work of charities.  We were interested in hearing if people felt charities should be occupying the political space and who they felt should be involved in politics. Our report unpacks our findings on campaigning and activism from nfpIntelligence (our regular general public research focussed on charity sector trends).

A year in politics: lessons from 2023

Submitted by ben.roberts on

Ben Roberts

As another year draws to a close, we can reflect on what a strange beast UK politics has been over the past twelve months. On the one hand, we’ve had the likes of the Partygate scandal, the rise and subsequent removal of Suella Braverman, a change in Scottish leadership, a huge number of protests, and enough gaffs to fill an episode of You’ve Been Framed.

Trust in charities and institutions – what does pessimism mean for messaging?

Submitted by ben.roberts on

Alix Moussy

One of the most useful questions that we ask the public is about their levels of trust in various institutions. The figures that we get back are often very telling, revealing a lot about political and social attitudes. However, we’ve recently been seeing drastic shifts in public views towards certain institutions and services. 

Charities at the Conservative Party Conference 2023

Submitted by ben.roberts on

Ben Roberts

As the curtains fall on this week's Conservative conference, the charity sector is left pondering a curious narrative that’s been thrust upon it. Once again, comments have been made that reinforce the difficulties that charities are apparently doomed to face when standing at the intersection of politics and philanthropy.

How Regional Branding Helps Charities Connect with Communities

Submitted by ben.roberts on

Sarah Nathan

The past few years have seen the UK public face crisis after crisis. Inevitably, this has led to a shift in the sector’s priorities as we’ve all had to adapt to a few ‘new-normals’ in a short span of time. But even as new concerns arise, the old challenges aren’t going anywhere. This has made it vital to track how the public’s top concerns are shifting at a national level, and whether or not policy is aligned with public demand.

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