Local Hero: why devolution matters for fundraising

Submitted by Max Roche on

The divergent pathways taken by governments across the United Kingdom towards the handling of the pandemic has illustrated the increased strength and identity of the devolved nations. This week Peter Dawson reflects on the implications of this divergence on the charity sector and asks how charities can adapt to an increasingly parochial public sphere.

How are Charity Public Affairs Teams engaging with MPs during the Covid-19 outbreak?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

What is it like to be working with MPs and trying to influence change in the current political and social climate? We interviewed 7 people from a range of charities who are working with MPs at the moment to discover the challenges (and opportunities) they are facing.  

Devolution in Scotland - 20 Years On

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In light of the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh's recent 20th anniversary, this week's blog sees Research Officer Peter Dawson reflect on the some of the political differences between Westminster and Holyrood. Look back and learn from some significant policy wins for charities in Scotland, and consider what Brexit will mean for the third sector there.

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