What charities should expect from the new Civil Society Strategy

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In response to the pressures of eight years of efficiency savings, last week the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport released “the first Civil Society Strategy in 15 years”. The plan aims to bring together charities, business and the public sector to empower communities.

GDPR: The change that charity donors want

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
We know that the incoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is currently one of the key issues on charities' agendas. A variety of reports have been released exploring the legal requirements on how charities should respond in order to be prepared to meet those regulations when they come into force in May 2018.

What can charities campaigning in Parliament expect from Brexit?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on


With the EU referendum just around the corner and polls showing a tightly-fought contest, both sides are arguing fiercely about what the future of the UK would look like outside of the EU.

One thing both campaigns can agree on, however, is that a vote to leave would spark a major upheaval in British politics – and charities campaigning in parliament would undoubtedly be affected by this.

So what sort of challenges would charities face in the event of a British withdrawal from the EU, and all of the political turmoil that could come with it?

Confusion, complexity and a conservative car-crash

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

During the last few decades there have been some fundamental changes in the rights of disabled people with legislation such as the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) coming into force in 1995. More recently, the topic of support for disabled people has been brought to the forefront of the political agenda, resulting in the resignation of a senior government minister.

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