Trust in charities, and why it matters

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

 ACEVO and nfpSynergy are partnering to provide ACEVO members and nfpSynergy clients with a comprehensive understanding of trust, and how it relates to charities. With this series of reports we hope to give you are a more nuanced understanding of what trust is and why it is important for your charity. In this first report, we will look at how trust in the charity sector has performed over recent years, how the public disclosure of bad practice has affected it (which demographics in particular have seen the biggest falls) and which charities are more likely to be trusted.

What would Universal Basic Income mean for the non-profit sector?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Adam Lalák

Labour recently announced their intention to include a pilot version of Universal Basic Income in their next election manifesto. They are by no means alone in toying with this radical social policy. The idea has been championed by the Green Party and the SNP, as well as various pressure groups. With countries such as Finland, Spain and the Netherlands running pilot schemes, the implementation of Universal Basic Income is increasingly looking like a realistic possibility.

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