What are healthcare professionals’ key priorities when referring patients to charities?

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Healthcare professionals are important gatekeepers in linking patients with the relevant charities for their needs. Our past research has shown that 69% of the public agree that they would be more likely to go to a charity for information about a health condition if a nurse, GP, or consultant recommended it[1]. This emphasises the essential role that healthcare professionals play in getting people to access key information and services from charities.

But what are healthcare professionals looking for when they refer to charities?

How charities can use data in their campaigns

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Data from our research is used by charities in many different ways, with some adopting it as a core element in their campaigns. Skilfully incorporated into your campaign, relevant research facts can really make your message stand out, adding thousands of voices to support your own, but how can charities best go about this? This blog outlines four tips for adding research to support your campaign.

Who cares about admin? Ten nuggets on how the public think their ideal charity should spend its money

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The public want transparency when it comes to charity spending. In this new free report, we uncover what our most recent Charity Awareness Monitor research revealed about how the public think the ideal charity would spend its money.

Who cares about admin? Ten nuggets on how the public think their ideal charity should spend its money

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The public want transparency when it comes to charity spending. In our new free report, we uncover what our most recent Charity Awareness Monitor research revealed about how the public think the ideal charity would spend its money.

Just my Archetype - how and why we typified the charity sector

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We published a free report last week to try and make charity benchmarking a little easier. Our blog this week explores some of the main findings of the report, how we put it together, and details how some of our perceptions on the charity sector changed as a result of the research.

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