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Mission impossible- a report and reference collection of charity mission and visions (full report and reference)
Remember doing exams at school where you just wanted to look other people's answers without the hard work of revising? Well "Mission Impossible" lets you do just that - for other charities' vision statements. It takes away all the hard work of trawling through their organisations' websites.
Virtual Promise 2006 - Full Results
Results from our 2006 annual survey of how charities are using the internet. The most recent edition is 2008.
Who gives to charity? nfpSynergy briefing
Who gives to charity? An analysis of the most recent Family Expenditure Survey, which asks over 6,000 UK households about how much they give to charity, and how often. This report was updated with new charts and analysis on the 28th June 2007.
Typical young people - A study of what young people are really like today
Running for the money
Running for the Money started out as research into the possible demand for a second marathon in London.
21st Century Donor- Executive Summary
This report is the conclusion of several years of work by nfpSynergy researching and understanding donors in a whole variety of guises.
The power of dreams, the burden of leadership: Report on the Barclay's "Britiain 's Most Admired Charity" Survey- October 2008
"The power of dreams, the burden of leadership" is a report disseminating the "Britain's Most Admired Charity" survey data.