Free Resources
Touch and Go: The internet, digital TV and mobile telephony as tools for maximising the impact of charities
This report aims to help voluntary organisations better understand the nature of the current technological revolution and plan for the future accordingly.
Looking a Gift Aid horse in the mouth
A research report on charities’ attitudes to Gift Aid and its marketing, complete with results from our survey.
This report is followed by 'You can lead a gift aid horse to water'.
Innovation: A roadmap for homeless agencies
The Innovation Roadmap is designed to guide homelessness and other voluntary organisations towards a culture of more systematic innovation.
5 Key Trends and their Impact on the Voluntary Sector
The impact of social and economic change on the voluntary and community sector is far-reaching. It is a fallacy that the sector is insulated from the wider world in which it operates - yet many charities remain largely uninformed about the future they face.
Payroll giving: Big opportunities/ Big obstacles- December 2002
A research report on charities' attitudes to payroll giving and its marketing. Questionnaires were sent to over 600 charities ranked by income. 136 completed questionnaires were received.
Trusted but misunderstood- November 2002
Is the public falling out of love with charities? Those operating within the voluntary sector may feel concerned that today's public are growing increasingly sceptical about charitable activity.
The Future of Homelessness
Polishing the Diamond
A charity's image is crucial to the success of every part of the organisation. Unlike companies who have products and services to sell, charities are often selling an idea or a cause. As such, the image of the charity is crucial to its financial success.
Who are we here for? Trustees and Governance Spring 2002
Joe Saxton looks at the relationships between users, stakeholders and accountability and argues that user involvement in the trustee body is far from the only route to increased accountability.
Who are we here for?
Joe Saxton looks at the relationships between users, stakeholders and accountability and argues that user involvement in the trustee body is far from the only route to increased accountability
Virtual promise - original research conducted 2001 and annually since then
nfpSynergy researched and wrote a report with Horwath Consulting called 'Virtual Promise - Are charities keeping up with the Internet revolution?' It was published as a special supplement for Third Sector magazine and was sent out in February 2001.