Free Resources
Unlocking potential; How offenders, former offenders and their families can contribute to a more effective Criminal Justice System
The Clinks Taskforce was set up to identify ways in which offenders, former offenders and their families can make a positive contribution to the policies, services and practices that affect them, both in prison and the community.
Signed,sealed and delivered- Executive summary
Summary of our report written in collaboration with the Fundraising Standards Board, looking at the public's perceptions of charity direct mail, and how charities can work with these.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
This report was written in collaboration with the Fundraising Standards Board, and it looks at the public's perceptions of charity direct mail, and how charities can work with these.
The 21st Century Donor
This report is the conclusion of several years of work by nfpSynergy researching and understanding donors in a whole variety of guises.
Getting the Message Across
Not for profit think-tank nfpSynergy has teamed up with The ImpACT Coalition to produce a free, short, practical report and guide that will empower charities to formulate and communicate simple messages, including pithy pub facts, needed to dispel a range of debilitating misperceptions their stak
Ten tips for lobbying MPs - nfpSynergy
nfpSynergy has a wealth of back-data regarding MPs' opinions of charities and their campaigns, comments from those who work in this area and experience of the sector.
Share giving-sheer indifference, March 2004
A research report on the use of share giving by charities, a policy introduced in April 2000 which allows individuals to give shares and offset the value of the shares sold against their income tax liability and reduce their capital gains tax liability.
The Complete Innovation Toolkit
This toolkit goes with our 'Innovation Rules!' report, and contains practical guidelines and exercises through which an organisation can increase the quantity and quality of its innovative solutions.
Disgusted or delighted? What does concern the public about charities? March 2004
A representative sample of the UK population was asked to think about charities and the work that they do and pick up to five issues from a prompted list that they found 'off-putting, worrying or irritating'.
You can take a Gift Aid Horse to Water... February 2004
A research report on charities' attitudes to Gift Aid and its marketing which shows charities are not making enough of Gift Aid. Questionnaires were sent to over 600 charities ranked by income. 136 completed questionnaires were received.