Free Resources

Free Resources

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The 12 Reports of Christmas 2016

The time has come again to reflect on the last 12 months and thank our clients and partners for inspiring us to keep researching topical issues in the sector with 12 free reports.

National Trustee Survey Charts

We carried out our first National Trustee Survey in September this year, working with Third Sector magazine and the Charity Futures programme. All the charts are available on this page to download for free.

Facts and Figures - Volunteering

At nfpSynergy we have been tracking the proportion of the UK public that volunteer for over ten years. This free report reveals some of our most interesting findings.

Facts and Figures - Public's Favourite Causes 2016

There are over 160,000 charities in the UK, benefiting a wide range of causes from hospices to international development. We explore facts and figures to try and determine which of these causes appeal most to the general public, but find that the outcome depends on the criteria used.

Trust in charities bounces back after low last autumn

The latest wave of nfpSynergy research in trust in charities and other public institutions shows that charities have recovered from the media coverage in the second half of 2015. 

Below are the key findings. Please download the full report for more details.

Gift Aid benchmark: What does good look like?

We invited charity and non-profit professionals to take part in our short survey and share their wisdom on what a good level of Gift Aid looks like for them. Now we are feeding back the insights to the sector.

Mission Impossible II

In 2008 we published the first Mission Impossible report, which brought together over 80 vision and mission statements from a range of  non-profit

How would the ideal charity spend its income?

This report aims to provide information about public views on ideal charity spending, the importance of CEO pay in the public eye as well as the public’s perceptions about which activities count as ‘charitable’.

There are three main conclusions: